Start your free 30-day trial

See how security-based email can remove data threats from your business and employees

Start Your Free Trial

See how security-based email can help you better protect your data. Sign up to start a 30-day FREE trial, so you can explore the platform and understand what it can do for you. After 30 days, we’ll contact you to understand your company’s specific needs and develop a quote that covers what you need.

Submit your info today and get started with a free 30-day trial. We look forward to setting you up with the DittoCast experience.

If you are an IT Service Provider and would like more information about our services and how we can support your clients, please visit our Partners page to contact us.

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IT Service Providers

Switch your clients to a security-based email service and remove phishing and other email threats once and for all. Contact us for a full-access tour and pricing information.